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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We Are Moving!!!

We got the apartment!!! Its beyond perfect!!

We will be moving in next Friday!

Not much left to do before we turn in our fost/adopt application!!!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Leash your freaking dogs!

Some people really amaze me! As part of our fost/adopt paperwork we have to have to get all of our pets up to date on their shots. So, yesterday we took the dogs to a shot clinic in Puyallup. They got their shots, a quick exam, and flea and tick treatment. That all went fairly smooth, what didn't go smooth was caused by some idiot woman and her two unleashed dogs. This mobile clinic advertises all over the place and as part of their ad it clearly reads that all dogs/cats must be leashed or kenneled. So there we are with two of three of our un-other-dog friendly dogs (the 3rd was in the truck) and we are standing there with other people that have cats (the dogs are cat friendly) and we are trying to get paperwork filled out. This woman pulls up, windows rolled down and parks and gets out of her car. One of her dogs jumps right out the door with her and bee lines for our dogs which are now barking like mad dogs and the woman walked slowly at first and then started to run when I started to yell panicky "grab that dog" as I tried to back away as fast as possible with our two dogs. Just as she gets the one the other jumps out of her car window and she couldn't seem to figure out what to do. By now I have the dogs on the other side of our car and Paul is asking for this woman to leash her dogs, but the woman only has 1 leash. I just have to ask why in the world you would to a shot clinic in a parking lot on a busy road with other dogs and people that you don't know and you never know what could possibly happen and only bring 1 leash! Not to mention allowing your dogs to jump from your car and run at other people and their dogs. Had she done what she was supposed to do and followed the rules for the shot clinic we would have had no issues what so ever.


Today I ran into more unleashed dog issues. Since we are really hoping to get into this other apartment complex (the one I mentioned yesterday) and the apartment they want to place us in is right next to the main playground in the complex, I had planned to really work hard with our dogs over the next two weeks about barking, barking/reacting to kids and other dogs, and their manners at the door when going in an out and I had planned on spending at least 20 minuets a day doing this with a walk. I figured the walk would be good for them and good for me too. So we walked to leave the complex and I was going to walk them down a near by road that has many dogs behind fences and kids every where. I couldn't even make it out of the complex. We got near the exit and this little dachshund runs out from near an apartment barking and charging us. Our dogs are little (about 25 pounds if that) but this dog meant business. The owner ran out just in the nick of time and grabbed her dog. Disappointing, we wouldn't be getting out of the complex but I didn't want our 20 minuet walk to turn into 5 so we went the other direction to walk around the complex a bit. Just as I go to the other side we came across another unleashed dog of about the same size as the first one (but different color). I never saw an owner for this one but I was able to get away from it with out a dog fight.

I just don't understand how pet owners can be so irresponsible. In neither case were we in a dog park, in a place where there are not leash laws, nor were we in a place where we were not likely to come across other people and their dogs, in fact its the opposite on all accounts. Whats more is that when they have to run after their unleashed dogs that are coming towards mine they look at me like I am the bad one, they are the ones breaking the law and being stupid.


**side note, we have not heard back about the apartment yet, fingers crossed**

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maybe, Maybe, MAYBE!!!

I think we have found the perfect apartment. Although we had said that we wanted to move into a house we have been looking at apartments just to make sure that we don't miss out on some great deal. Its a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, bottom floor, wood burning fireplace, out door pool, dry sauna, hot rub, work out room, indoor basketball court/fitness room, gated community, washer/dryer, huge freaking apartment.

So if you cant tell I am excited, but I am nervous too. What if something comes up and we cant move in. I know the lady said "worse case scenario you will pay first, last, and deposit but we will work with you on the last and give you 3 months to pay it" and she seemed very positive that we will get the apartment. But, I am cautious and am trying not to count my chickens before they hatch while staying positive.


PRIDE Graduation!

Yesterday was our last class and we have graduated PRIDE training! I was feeling very nervous about that yesterday and for no reason, I was just afraid that something would happen and we would have to redo all or part of some of the classes. Not everyone in our class graduated and some have make up work to do, but we did it! We finally got through it! I had to turn in the PRIDE training book that I have been dragging around with me for a year but they did give us a disk of the book which will make it easier when I want to look something up. We still have a lot to do before we are ready to adopt though.


So whats next.....

Now the push is really on to get moved, we looked at an apartment yesterday, I really liked it, Paul didn't like some of the people that he saw in the complex. I didn't notice what he did. Its possible that I was overly focused on the great 3 bedroom apartment, fire place, 4 play grounds, 2 pools, hot tub, small gym and the fact that there is a YMCA near by. Some times I have blinders on and don't see everything around me. Which is why I really prefer looking at these places together.


We still have a lot that we need to do and a lot that we need to get. Its a little stressful but we have the big and hard part done. The rest is just following the process.

Our Current To Do List:

Find A New Place
Pet Shots (we have a shot clinic today for the dogs)
Get Copies Of Divorce Decrees and New Marriage License
TB Tests
Finish Paper Work and Turn It In (cant do until we have moved)
FBI Checks
Create House Rules & Discipline
Create Evacuation Plan (cant do until we have moved)
Make Lists Of Schools/Licensed Day Care (cant do until we have moved)
Car Insurance (we need something new and cheaper)

Things We Know We Need Once We Have Moved:

4 Beds (twin beds or bunk beds, no we don't want 4 kids but want to make sure we are prepared for anything)
4 Twin Sized Mattress Covers
4 Sets Of Twin Sized Bedding
4 Pillows
4 New Towels
4 Small Dressers or 2 Large Ones
First Aide Kit
CPR Mask
New Fire Extinguisher
Outlet Covers
2 Laundry Baskets
Locking Door Nob For Our Bedroom
A Way To Lock Up Cleaning Supplies
Toys, Clothes, Shoes, Books
The List Could Go On A Mile.

Today we are taking the dogs to get their shots, this should be fun since they are still not all getting along so we have to take separate cars and will need to pull out the muzzles. Also, we are going to look some more for rentals.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Feeling very nervous!


I don't know what the deal is, but I feel very nervous. Yesterday I finally got my Washington drivers license (the picture is really bad), and they made me take the written test since I hadn't taken it since I was 15, but I did get a 100% on the test. Today is our last adoption class. We expect it to be a longer class and there will be a panel of foster kids in the class today. Sunday we have the shot clinic for the dogs and we are going to go look at this super nice apartment complex that we have been talking about. Next weekend we start the CPR/First Aide/Blood Born Deceases classes.

I guess maybe its that everything is coming together and we are getting closer and closer to our homestudy which will lead to placement. We still have awhile (a few months) but its coming up quick. This month just flew by.

Whats getting to me right now is some work stuff, moving, finishing PRIDE class, pet shot clinics, saving money, our current apartment complex, CPR class, and of the homestudy that we are not even close to having yet. There is just so much that we need and so much that we need to do.

(oh, my arm lumps turned out to be torn muscles and mostly healed up now)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yesterday didn't go so well.

I did manage to re-blue my hair, clean house, clean the rat cage, clean the cat boxes, do the laundry, wash all of our blankets and bedding, and got a lot of reading done in my book, but the last part of things that I wanted to do before Paul got off work didn't go so well. I had intended to go get my nails done, go to the library to pick up another adoption book that I have been wanting and go have the lumps in my arm looked at (I have 3 now and they are freaking me out). However, when I went to the nail salon my day went to crap. The woman clipped, with nail clippers, my acrylic nails, breaking and cracking them and that made many of them too short and none of them even. I got up and walked out and had to go to the store pick up some polish and things to fix my nails. Grrr!

Today should be a good day though!

We are going to a friends/neighbors wedding after PRIDE class. I couldn't be happier for them!! After class we are going to drop by the library and pick up my book and tomorrow I am going to the doctor to have the lumps looked at.

Of course we also have class today too, last class was a little intense so we will see who actually shows up today and who doesn't. I am pretty sick of the snide aptitude of the "teacher" and her husband, hopefully they have dropped out. After this class we will have one more left!


We are still on the search for a place to move to.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Interesting week....

This week the normal day time supervisor was out on vacation, which means that I filled in his shoes. I was a little worried about working Monday as I have only recently started working Mondays again. It had been about a year since I had been working Mondays. I had heard, from the normal day time supervisor and from our operations manager, that Mondays were getting a little crazy and busy. It wasn't. My Monday this week was nice, pleasant and easy to handle, in fact every Monday that I have worked recently has been pleasant. To be honest this whole week was fairly nice, Wednesday got a little sticky but it was still a nice day. Nearly everyone at work is sad to see my week in the supervisor seat come to an end. Seems that every time I take over they have the same reaction.

I have been doing a lot of reading this week too! The book that I have been reading is called "The Connected Child" and its a great book about attachment with your adopted or foster child. Tons of good information and makes some of my fears about what our children will be like dissipate a bit. I am not sure that I agree with everything that I have read in the book but there is enough good information that it kept me reading!


The lump in my arm that I was seen at the emergency room last weekend is still there, has gotten bigger and now I have another one. The hospital wanted me to have it rechecked this week and I tried to make an appointment with the clinic that they referred me to but was not able to do it. The clinic only has 1 doctor in it now and has no appointments available until October. So at some point today I will be going back to the emergency room. The hard lumps really have me worried.

There is so much to do today, I need to clean house, do laundry, get my nails done, go to the doctor, go to the library (I am picking up a new adoption book today) and the list could go on forever. Normally I would get my laundry going first since I am washing the blankets on the bed and everything but I have to wait for the bank to open so that I can get quarters. I really miss having our own washer and dryer.

Cant wait for tomorrows PRIDE Class!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Feeling a little stressed this morning....


I have so much on my mind right now, all of the things that we need to get done and its giving me a real sense of stress and urgency even though it shouldn't. We still have two weeks of PRIDE classes left and then our first aide/CPR classes the next month and we still have other stuff to do to before we can even think about finishing our paper work and turning it in. Yet I feel stressed to move from this apartment like I have to do it right now. Really, the only reason that we are here is because its cheap and we can save money while we are living here so that we can move and do all of the other things that we need to do before we turn in our paper work. I just cant shake the stress of feeling like we need to be moved. I know deep down that when the time comes I will find us the right house at the right price. Just the other day I was talking to a guy about his rental and had him talked down from $1,500 for a deposit to $800. I really need to stop focusing so much on moving and really look into all of the other things we need to do, like getting our physicals done, getting the pets their shots, changing the oil in the car, and so on. Also adding to my stress at the moment is this odd lump in my arm, you cant see it, but I can feel it, its on the muscle and sore to the touch and hard. If it gets worse I may need to go to the doctor.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Half way through PRIDE classes!

Well today marks it! We are now half way through the PRIDE classes. Next month we have our first aide, blood born diseases and CPR for all ages. Our savings account is still growing at a good rate and we are really excited about moving, although we have still not found the right place. Really, its that we haven't found the right place at the right price, every place that we have found that would be good has been about $100 our of our budget and we have to really stick to it. If we can stick to our budget then we can continue to save money, get bills paid, have food on the table, and still have some fun too.

As far as class goes, this class was a little more intense and I am not expecting everyone to show up next class. It did seem that we were missing 1 or 2 people this week but I cant put my finger on who. Some people have done the fost/adopt or foster thing before and they are in it and know what they are getting into, some are like us and did a lot of research and know what we are getting into and others are very green and worry me. Of course, "teacher" showed up again.

It seems that "teacher" doesn't irritate me as I heard some naughty comments coming from someone else in the class. She has a very snide way about her and every time someone says something positive about teachers and how they help kids she looks around the room with this snobby look on her face as though she is personally responsible for every positive act that any teacher on the face of the planet has ever done. Not to mention the fact that she always has something to say that no one cares about and no one wants to hear. There are other people in the class that always seem to have something to say but its usually the other people who have fostered and/or adopted before and most times they have something useful to add. Whats more interesting is that I find myself adding in comments as well, more than I thought I would, but I have been doing a lot of studying and researching.


Most of the class was about attachment and attachment disorders in children as well as how to deal with some of those things. We also talked about trauma, abuse and other such things as well as watching a rather disturbing video. Something else that keeps coming up that bothers me is when they start talking about failed adoptions and kids being moved from home to home. I just cant figure out how you would have a failed adoption. I mean once you get that far how can you "give the kid back" I mean, life doesn't work that way and for those that think that it does....I have other words for you. I know that once we are placed, thats that.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Today is going to be a good day!

Although I do have a nasty head ache and am still not feeling 100% today but I am trying to over come it!

Paul had a crummy day at work yesterday and I am hoping that today goes much better for him.

One way or another, today is going to be the best day that I have had in a while. Its Friday and I am off work till Monday (I work 10 hour shifts), Paul is at work, I have house work and laundry to do, need to wash the dogs, go shopping and some other little chores. I found an adoption book at the library that I have been wanting to read, not sure if I will go pick it up today or not, I have a good lead on a rental, and tomorrow is adoption class day (yeah for PRIDE).

Should I go to the library today I am hoping to get the book called "The complete adoption book" and want to look for books on theriputic parenting. I have read a lot about it on another blog and I really want to find some good books on that.

Ok, off my duff and off to get things done! Have a good day!!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Fingers crossed!

We just took a drive down this little dirt road near a for rent sign. At the end of this little bitty drive way that is covered in trees and ferns and all sorts of Washington underbrush was this cute 3 bedroom house that over looks the pond in Bresemann Forest. There were massive sized hammocks hanging in trees and we could just imagine living there. It is, however, slightly out of our price range, not an impossible distance but far enough to make me squirm a bit. I tried to get a viewing of the inside of it today but no luck, I will try again tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Still looking....

This morning I thought that I had found the answers to our moving need. A 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with a fully fenced huge back yard and tons and tons of parking area's and storage and it was here in Spanaway and for a really good price a month. So we went searching and we found it. :( It was a dump. In front of it (on the same drive way) were two trashy mobile homes. Not that I have anything against mobiles, but these were tore up, trashy, crap in the yards, and not good people hanging out in front of them. So not its back to searching. Paul really wants to stay in the area and I agree but hes not giving me much wiggle room. I found another that's midland, which is about 2 miles in the other direction of where he wants to be so hes not interested in it. I understand his point and I hope that he understands mine too. When it comes down to "we need to move in the next couple of weeks" time, if we haven't found the best spot we can get right in the area he wants, we will have to choose a slightly different area. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I want to move to the other side of the county or anything, but we might end up a few miles in any direction from where he really wants to be.


3 more weeks of PRIDE to go, then its on to CPR, Blood Born Diseases and First Aide, by the end of all of that we need to be moved and ready to turn in our forms! We now have a good amount of money in our savings account, in part due to our putting money in there and in part due to this neat savings account we have that takes $1 from our checking account every time we use our ATM cards and we never carry cash. Oh, and I went over (again) the list of stuff that they look for on a background check that will keep you from adopting or being a foster parent, I know I need to stop worrying so much but we still have nothing on that list. There are some other things that come up on the questions that I am concerned about but I think we should be fine as we are being fully open and honest with things rather than having them pop up on some unknown place.

One last note, I am still not feeling well.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

First Class!

Our first class is over! There were a few things that were said in the class that didn't make sense at first but were cleared up and were actually just the way I thought they were. Which means that all of my research is paying off and that I really do know what we are getting into. I get nervous about that some times, wondering if I really know what we are doing, its always good to know that I do.

We met some interesting people, some I would like to get to know more and some that I would rather pretend don't exist. I had a rather irritating encounter with a woman in the class, she is a teacher and we clash severely. We were separated from our spouses into groups to do a group activity. She instantly desired that she was the group leader and that myself and two Hispanic women that I was sitting between were not really to be treated as part of the group and our thoughts didn't matter. It was very much as though she didn't like us because we were different than her and she was only interested in hearing from others in our group that were like her. I stood up behind her (she was seated) and tried to make sure that she had it clear that I wanted to be heard, she decided to argue my points and refused to write my opinions, or the opinions of the other two women. Rather than make a huge fuss on the first day of class I sat back down between the two other women and chit chatted with them while "teacher" wrote her thoughts on the paper and the other three women nodded like good sheep in agreement. I hope I don't get stuck in a group with her again.

Aside from the one incident the class was good and I look forward to next week and to not being sick through the whole class. We are going to learn some great tools and we have some great teachers.

Things I want to learn more about: RAD, trauma parenting..... Time to visit the library!

Today is the first day of our classes!

Last night I was super super sick. It started at work, I threw up once and then started feeling better, that is until we had dinner. After dinner I started having chills, sweating and my whole body hurt. I was terrified that I would feel like that this morning too. So I went to bed. I piled on the blankets and buried my head in them hoping for some sort of relief. A few hours later we were woken up by a super loud argument going on out side that felt like it lasted for hours, and I felt even worse. Then, after hours and hours of sleep (I went to bed around 6pm and got up at 5:30am, which is sleeping in for me) my alarm clock went off and I got up. I still have a headache and my back hurts (due to my bed) but I don't feel sick any more!!

This week went by so slow for me, knowing that the classes start today, but we are finally here. I talked to someone from the the other day and got some interesting information about what they do and how it all works, and that has me even more excited. There are kids on their site that I really like and that I want to meet. I haven't told Paul too much about them because he doesn't like to see something, get excited about it and then have it not work out. Until we get our classes done and the homestudy done there really isn't any reason to get to involved in looking at kids. The NWAE really makes it very easy and they are very helpful. They, like everyone else, did tell me about how its harder to adopt through foster care directly than it is to go through an agency. Although I do understand why they are saying that, its way cheaper (as in free) to adopt through the state and since I already have my eye on a set of kids that are on the NWAE website, that cuts out some of the hard stuff.

Yes, I am sure that it might be easier to hand over a wad of money to an agency and tell them to find you kids with certain qualities and let them match you up, but it makes much more sense to me to do this our way. We would rather save that wad of money to spend on kids and I would rather find them myself. As I learned from my Dad a long time ago, the easy way is not always the right way and many times is the wrong way. While looking through the children that are posted on sites like I try very hard to not look at their disabilities and things (should they have any) and try to focus on who they are. Doing it that way makes much more sense to me, after all, if I were pregnant, would we reject our child due to a disability. Of course at the same time I know that I will not take on a child with disabilities that I wouldn't know how to handle since we are adopting older children, its not as though we would have them since birth and been able to adjust slowly to something. The kids that I have my eye on do not have any disabilities that I have read about, but they do have some emotional issues, after going through what they have been through and living in foster care and what not, I expect that any child we adopt will have emotional issues.

Ok, that's all for now, I am off to start getting ready to go!!

(Did I mention that we got a new couch! Its blue leather! And it was free!!)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Feels like fall....

I don't know what it is but the last couple of days have felt so much like fall. It reminds me of the time my niece Cheyanne came to stay with us just before her school year started for 4th grade. We went shopping for school supplies, things for her breakfast before school and lunches, as well as fall clothing and about a month into the school year we shopped for Halloween stuff. There is something in the air here right now that is giving me those same feelings that I had then and I don't know how to explain it. I miss her so much.

Maybe next year I will be buying school supplies for our own children....I cant wait!

Our adoption classes start in 3 days, Saturday morning here we come!!
